#SFFSat – 3/02/2012 – Sovran’s Pawn

Thanks to everyone who took part in the poll to rename THE TENNOVA JOB. I am pleased to announce that SOVRAN’S PAWN was the winner by a landslide! This book is the first installment of THE BLACK WING CHRONICLES, the Space Opera series starring Bo Barron and Blade Devon.

It’s Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday time again! As you may recall, SFFS is a ring of authors who share some of their work each Saturday. Anyone is welcome. The idea is to feature a snippet of your work for others to enjoy.

This week’s snippet moves to a life-changing moment for Bo and Blade. Waiting in the embarkation lounge to board a luxury starliner for a Five-Point tournament, Bo, under cover as a Joy Babe, stands close to the window, taking in the view of the city skyline.  Sensing that she is no longer alone, she looks up and sees a great big, sexy, hunk of man reflected in the window behind her, standing much too close for comfort.


Behind her sunshades, Bo rolled her eyes. Here it comes…the pickup line.

“I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable standing so close behind you,” he said.

“I’d prefer you step away.”

He held up his drink and took a sip, studying her reflection before answering. “Now I really doubt that,” he said mischievously as he lowered his glass.

Unable to resist his boyish charm, Bo lifted her chin, fighting back a small smile. “Why do you say that?”

“Because with the sun behind you like it is, your dress is virtually transparent.” He grinned, showing a pair of dimples. “Right now, I’m the only thing standing between this room and a peep show.” He shrugged. “If that’s your intention, I’ll be happy to go over there and ogle you like everyone else.”


Well, that’s the Saturday Snippet for this week! Please don’t forget to comment by clicking on either the blog title or the little quotation balloon in the upper right hand corner. Tell your friends. Stop back here next week for another!

If you want a little more of SOVRAN’S PAWNBARRON’S LAST STAND, or to learn more about THE BLACK WING CHRONICLES, just click on the links.

For past snippets click here:

#SFFSat 2012/02/25 THE TENNOVA JOB

#SFFSat 2012/02/18 THE TENNOVA JOB

#SFFSat 2012/02/11 THE TENNOVA JOB

#SFFSat 2012/02/04 THE TENNOVA JOB

#SFFSat 2012/01/28 THE TENNOVA JOB

#SFFSat  2012/01/21 THE TENNOVA JOB




17 thoughts on “#SFFSat – 3/02/2012 – Sovran’s Pawn

  1. Men never have that problem – I don’t think I’ve ever had to worry about the sun shining through my pants (okay, that sounded odd).

    It’s good that he’s there to ‘protect’ her from the other gawkers. 🙂

    Nice snip – still waiting for the whole thing!

  2. nrgalloway24

    Love the sexual tension and flirting. Great Snippet! Now I have to add “makes clothing see through” to my list of gripes against the sun (Others include brightness, glare, sunburns and headaches from squinting) lol. I love your work! great snippet! thanks for sharing!

    1. Something similar happened to me once when I was a teenager growing up in Florida. My mom was a stickler for wearing a slip under my dresses. It was a hot Sunday and I decided to go without, thinking it a wiser choice. My on again, off again boyfriend pointed out to me how inappropriate for church my choice had been, and he’d done it with a twinkle in his eye.

What do YOU think?